The Buckminster Fuller Challenge. A design science revolution

[deadline: 30/10/2007]
Each year a distinguished jury will award a single $100,000 prize to support the development and implementation of a solution that has significant potential to solve humanity’s most pressing problems in the shortest possible time while enhancing the Earth’s ecological integrity. Catalyzing the vanguard of a design science revolution. The Buckminster Fuller Challenge seeks submissions of design science solutions within a broad range of human endeavor that exemplify the trimtab principle. Trimtabs demonstrate how small amounts of energy and resources precisely applied at the right time and place can produce maximum advantageous change. Solutions should be: - Comprehensive — a clear demonstration of holistic systems thinking | - Anticipatory — projectively tracking critical trends and needs; identifying and assessing long term consequences of proposed solutions | - Ecologically responsible — reflective and supportive of nature’s underlying processes, patterns and principles | - Verifiable — able to withstand rigorous empirical testing | - Replicable — capable of being readily undertaken by others | - Achievable — likely to be implemented successfully and broadly adopted | Info: tel +1 718 2909283 e-mail:; -